Call for contributions to ethnic events guide

Tuesday 23 July 2013, 2:42PM

By Hamilton City Council



If you’ve taken a “picture-perfect” photograph at one of Hamilton’s ethnic community events, Hamilton City Council’s Community Development and Leisure Unit wants to hear from you.

Andy Mannering, Council’s Social Development Manager, says a new guide to Hamilton’s ethnic community events and festivals is planned, and high-quality photographs are an important part of that.

“We’re creating a small pocket-sized product, which will act as a guide to the range of significant ethnic events in the city – from Diwali to Ramadan to Bastille Day,” Mr Mannering says.

“The calendar will celebrate and promote Hamilton’s ethnic and cultural diversity: we’re now asking for photographic contributions to illustrate the events and festivals which will be listed.”

The calendar will include listings for Ramadan, Bastille Day, Waitangi Day, Diwali, The Tulip Festival, Chinese Lantern Festival, Buddha Day, Pasifika By Nature, Eid Al Fitr, Onam,  Korean Choseuk, Hispanic Spring Festival and Waikato Multicultural Council’s Multicultural Day.

Mr Mannering says submitted photographs need to be to a high standard, ideally of a single performer or participant at one of the festivals.

“We want images which really reflect the vibrancy, colour and importance of these events. We usually notice members of the public taking photographs at these events, so if you’ve captured a great festival moment we would love to see it.”

Low-resolution images can be emailed to Mr Mannering for consideration, and high-resolution versions will be requested for those which make the final cut. Photographers whose images are used in the final product will receive a complimentary $50 fuel voucher, and also be credited for their work.