Help save the earth and she will help you.

Saturday 17 August 2013, 6:12PM

By arthur lynch


I dont know if you will be interested in my efforts to get folk to return to nature. Please visit my free web site to see my ponder this .

Here is a letter I penned  to Katikati advertiser.

At last people are starting  to notice .

Reading an article this week on the state of the worlds bee population it states that the world and I quote is in great danger of killing a vast amount of bees. Should this happen then the food chain as we know it will suffer terrible effects.  New Zealand depends on the bees to pollinate the flowers and plants and at least $5 billion dollars of agricultural exports rely on their pollination. Bees are dying because of many factors not the least of which  is the over use of chemical sprays and pesticides.
I have been pleading with folks to get back to nature. Use worm juice and vermicast in your gardens, not only is it natures own but extremely cheap a 1 litre bottle costing only $6.00 makes 4 litres for use in the garden.
The bees have the varroa mite to deal with give them a break , plant bee friendly plants such as nectar rich rosemary ,sage ,thyme and basil.
Get rid of old chemical containers from your property . Flowers such as cosmos, dahlias ,sunflowers are a favourite with bees .
Support your local produce markets where you can talk to the growers fresh vegetables, etc.
Look at my free web site for help and advice on how to get and maintain a small home worm farm cut down on your  kitchen scrap deposal Recycle .
You can spray and use as much worm Juice and use as much  vermicast on your trees flowers lawns and plants as you like  and no child will get a rash or infection from natures own elixir.

Visit:  or call  078637677   mob:021500562.At last people are starting  to notice .