Groundbreaking result for GODZone with adventure event a sell out

Friday 23 August 2013, 1:26PM

By 100% PURE Racing


Teams paddling Lake Pukaki
Teams paddling Lake Pukaki Credit: Alex Socci
Teams on Clutha River
Teams on Clutha River Credit: Alex Socci
Teams racing near Mt Cook
Teams racing near Mt Cook Credit: Alex Socci


New Zealand’s premier adventure racing event, GODZone, has received its full quota of entries for the 2014 event to be held in Kaikoura from the 7th to 15th March with the event now sold out. The largest field ever will be lining up at the start line with 35 four person teams having signed up to experience the fastest growing adventure race in New Zealand’s history.

“ This is an incredible result given we are still seven months out from the event and we are justifiably proud of the interest GODZone has received from teams all over the globe,” says Race Director Warren Bates.

“ We always knew that Chapter 3 would be a real drawcard after the success of last years race from Mt Cook to Queenstown.  The fact that all available  race spots have been snapped up so quickly is testament to the growing adventure racing market worldwide and to the attraction of racing in Kaikoura and its surrounds.”

The GODZone adventure event first started in 2012 and has attracted high profile national and international competitors including current Adventure Racing World Champions Team Seagate led by Nathan Fa'avae who has described GODZone as the currently the best race in the world.

Consideration is now being given to teams who have missed out on the first 35 entry spots and Mr Bates says a waiting list has been drawn up by team management.

“ The demand for team spots had been unprecedented and yesterday we had a number of local and international teams desperately trying to obtain the last places so we have been forced to open up a waiting list. The most important consideration for us to ensure we keep the standard of the event high so that we remain the best adventure race in the world.”

He says all aspects of the events logistics and resources for the six day adventure race need to be considered before  a decision can be made whether or not to increase the field.

“ At this stage we are looking to see if its feasible to open up another five spots and will be making that call before the  31st August, 2013. Teams that want to try and obtain one of those should register their intention immediately with us to be in with a chance to race in 2014.”

For more information on team entries go to <  or the Facebook page at