A major study is asking New Zealand customers for feedback about their phone and Internet service providers

Monday 26 August 2013, 11:57AM

By CTMA New Zealand Ltd


A dependable phone and Internet service has become an important part of our family, social and business lives.  Now a major industry-wide study is asking New Zealand customers how well they are being served by these important services.

“This is the first time such a candid study of telecommunications companies has been undertaken in New Zealand” explains CTMA’s study director Paul Linnell.  “It’s openly asking customers about any problems they’ve experienced, what they feel their phone and Internet companies do well, and how they think they could improve”.

The online study consists of two separate questionnaires that make it easy for customers to give feedback about their mobile phone and mobile Internet services, and their home phone and broadband services.   Each should only take about ten minutes to complete.

“Participating telecommunications providers know these services can have a significant impact on customers, and they need to hear what’s gone well and what’s gone wrong so they can focus their attention on what to fix” explains Linnell.

The online questionnaires are available at:

All responses are confidential and customers will not be asked for any personally identifiable information.


About CTMA New Zealand Ltd.
CTMA is a service quality improvement firm that provides a range of advisory and research services to help organisations improve service to customers.  In addition to its client-specific services, CTMA conducts customer service benchmarking and best-practice studies to help public and private sector organisations improve customer experiences.