November is Kiwiana month at Canterbury Museum

Wednesday 30 October 2013, 1:21PM

By Canterbury Museum


Fred and Myrtle Flutey
Fred and Myrtle Flutey Credit: Canterbury Museum


From Buzzy Bees to paua shells, Kiwiana is being celebrated at Canterbury Museum next month.

The celebration marks the 50th anniversary since Bluff couple, Fred and Myrtle Flutey, first opened their home to the public in 1963 to showcase their incredible collection of paua shells and kitsch collectables. The couple’s paua shell collection is now an iconic kiwi attraction and is on display in a perfect recreation of their house at Canterbury Museum.

To celebrate the anniversary next month, visitors will have an opportunity to guess the number of paua shells in Fred & Mrytle’s Paua Shell House and go in the draw to win a great prize.

On 6 November at 6pm, University of Canterbury Associate Professor New Zealand History, Katie Pickles, will present a free public talk on Kiwiana in the Museum’s Bird Hall. Katie will explain what kiwiana is and what it reveals about New Zealand and its history. From the Buzzy Bee to the sausage sizzle, kiwiana is currently experiencing a revival that intrigues researchers.

Later in the month, on Sunday 24 November from 1pm -2pm in the Bird Hall, Richard Wolfe will talk about New Zealand! New Zealand! In Praise of Kiwiana - the first book on Kiwiana published in 1989, which he wrote with Stephen Barnett. Mr Wolfe will look at this country ‘before’ Kiwiana, and how interest in New Zealand’s brand of popular culture has grown and developed in the last quarter century. He will examine what Kiwiana says about New Zealanders, and how it might distinguish ‘kiwis’ from other nationalities. He will also reveal what he likes – and doesn’t like – about Kiwiana, and illustrate his talk with some classic examples of the genre.

Throughout Kiwiana Month, the Museum Cafe will be offering classic kiwi treats for those wanting a neat bite to eat during their visit, and the Museum Store will also have a special display of cool, retro kiwiana gifts available to purchase.

For information about Kiwiana Month and the public talks taking place at the Museum, see