Customer Experience a Vital Part of a Growth Strategy......

Monday 4 November 2013, 7:36AM

By Customer Experiences Ltd


A Customer Experience is not a nice to have it’s a must have if a business is going to grow in 2013/14

This warning comes from Chris Bell Managing Director of Customer Experiences an organisation that specialises in the development of quality customer experiences.

New Zealand businesses are starting to understand the benefits of embarking on the development of a unique customer experience, an experience that will distance a business from increasing competition and commoditisation.

What business now needs to do is to ensure their customer experience strategy is a part of their overall business plan. This will ensure the on-going focus and coordination with all other aspects of a business plan.

The lack of a long-term commitment to the development of a customer experience strategy can potentially have damaging consequences to a business including confused and disengaged employees and high customer churn as a result of inconsistency.

Today’s customers can see through attempts at window dressing, they are not impressed by initiatives that have been created with little understanding of customers expectations or real needs. These initiatives will lose more customers and increase levels of negative word of mouth according to Bell.

On the flip side those organisations that have made a genuine commitment to the development of their customer experience are reaping the benefits of increased customer loyalty, less of a focus on price and today’s most powerful form of advertising customer recommendation. 

A recent Bloomberg Businessweek survey revealed that “delivering a great customer experience” has
become the new imperative: 80% of the companies polled rated customer experience as a top strategic objective.

Customer Experiences has just gone one step further to make the process of developing a customer experience even easier through the release of a free fully supported customer experience development programme.

Customer Experiences is an organisation specialising in the developing of high quality customer experiences. For further information – contact Chris Bell Managing Director Customer Experiences Ltd email               mb 027 2792360