Growing Employee & Customer Loyalty a Must in 2014.....

Tuesday 4 February 2014, 8:44AM

By Customer Experiences Ltd


Business leaders are starting to realise that there is nothing more powerful than an organisation completely focused on both its people and customers. The good news is that more organisations want to learn how to develop a long-term business culture that delivers this competitive advantage.

Chris Bell co-founder of business group Customer Experience Management NZ  said “it was very encouraging to see more businesses adopting an employee and customer focus”

cemNZ is launching a customer experience development programme (CED) that has been 7 years in the making and is unique both in its approach and content.

Most businesses today clearly understand the long-term benefits and value a customer experience strategy can add in an increasingly commoditised world. The challenge is the lack of expertise to develop such a strategy and this is where the CED workshop comes in.

Bell said business must start paying attention to the research regarding business performance in this area. High employee disengagement, low productivity, increasing marketing costs, declining customer loyalty and advocacy, the focus on price in an increasingly commoditised world and, most importantly, the impact all of these factors have on business growth and financial performance.

Bell believes that there is no doubt future business success will be directly aligned with the quality and consistency of the employee and customer experience delivered by a business.
The CED programme has one goal and that is to grow an organisations customer loyalty and advocacy.  Profit and growth are stimulated primarily by customer loyalty.  Loyalty is a direct result of exceeding customers’ expectations.  Exceeding customers’ expectations is largely achieved by the value of services provided to customers. Value is created by engaged, loyal and productive employees.
Workshop information link:- 
Chris Bell is the Managing Director of Customer Experiences, a company committed to building successful businesses through the development of high quality customer experiences and co-founder of cemNZ 027 2792360