Local friends continue to support each other despite fight for life

Wednesday 3 December 2014, 4:40PM

By Alexander PR


Meeting when they were students at a Dannevirke primary school, Casey Goode and Morgan Mehring have known each other for more than sixteen years but it wasn’t until each of their eldest children were born six years ago that their companionship became something more of a familial friendship.

Raising their young families together, Casey and Morgan have been friends through several significant life events – including Casey being there for the birth of Morgan’s second child.

Another significant life event in the pair’s friendship, unfortunately this time of a much graver nature, took place in February early this year when Casey was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. As a mother to four young children, Casey has relied on good friends like Morgan, who has set up a roster for friends and family to deliver a weekly box of fresh fruit and vegetables, to help her through a very tough few months.

“The Dannevirke community have pulled together to help with donations, food, cooked meals and support. From the children’s pre-school, to the Dannevirke Warehouse, to my youngest children’s nana, to people at my sister’s work place and the church I am so humbled and appreciative of it all - we have an amazing town.”

After completing chemotherapy, Casey was told her scans showed all tumours were gone. This was a cause for celebration for both Casey and Morgan who were understandably relieved when told the news. However, recently when Casey went for a routine scan, she felt a lump where her previous tumours had been. After an additional visit to her doctor, Casey required an urgent ultrasound which showed two suspected tumours – suggesting a probable lymphoma relapse. Casey is currently anxiously awaiting an appointment with her oncologist, a thyroid surgeon and the biopsies of three different masses.

Upon seeing the Visique Caring Friends campaign on Facebook, Morgan instantly wanted to nominate Casey because, in her mind – and after a year like Casey has had – no one deserves a “great escape” quite like Casey does.

“Casey has had bad luck followed by bad luck. It has been a year of huge trials for her, yet despite everything she has gone through and is again faced with, she has remained positive, upbeat and someone of whom I admire greatly. Not only has Casey remained a truly supportive friend throughout everything that has happened, she has remained an exceptional mother to her children – her strength amazes me on a daily basis and I am honoured to call her a friend.”

As winners of Visique’s Caring Friends competition, both Morgan and Casey have won a deluxe Air New Zealand holiday for two to a mystery destination. Casey is looking forward to taking her sister with her who “has been very supportive” and believes this year has been “just as tough for her as it has been for me”.

Visique CEO Brian Rosenberg is delighted that two very deserving Dannevirke locals and their loved ones are the recipients of the campaign’s first prize draw. 

“Kiwis, by nature, are giving, caring and kind individuals and these traits are best seen in the form of friendship. Casey and Morgan’s relationship is another reminder of how important our connections with people are.  We are delighted that these very deserving individuals have each won a mystery holiday for two - we look forward to seeing photos and hearing all about their getaways.”