Mary Lambie and Denelle get set to Wrap for a cause

Friday 12 December 2014, 10:24AM

By Alexander PR



What does Christmas have in common with TV personality-turned business-owner Mary Lambie, and up and coming R&B singer Denelle?

On Thursday 18 December Mary Lambie and Denelle are taking each other on in a ‘wrap’ battle of a different kind, to fight for a causes close to their hearts.

Touted as the ‘Great Wrap Off’, Mary and Denelle are being pitted against each other to wrap ten presents made up of obscure shapes and size, in true Generation Game fashion. The better and faster they wrap, the more money their chosen charity will receive!

Mary and Denelle are strong advocates for their charities. Mary has worked alongside Variety for a number of years in order to help create a brighter future for Kiwi kids. She’s looking forward to taking part in this event to further help a cause close to her heart.

Denelle has aligned himself with and is proud to support A Girl Called Hope which helps young women through some of the tough, personal battles they endure on a, sometimes, daily basis.  

What: The Botany Town Centre Great Wrap Off featuring Mary Lambie and Denelle
Where: Botany Town Centre, Fashion Pavilions
When: Thursday 18 December, 2014 at 4:30pm