String of car accidents, team ending of Christmas At The Bowl

Friday 12 December 2014, 6:52PM

By Community Taranaki



There have been a string of car accidents across Taranaki this week, and Youth in Politics New Zealand Adviser Danielle Niwa said its time to be more careful.

"Schools out, and families are around. People are on the roads travelling. It's a busy time, so to keep everyone safe, be careful" Niwa said.

This follows after ten car accidents in the matter of three hours over New Plymouth on Friday, of which Founder Michael Riley was involved in one.

"Emergency services fortunately arrived, but some of the police officers had to race off to a second car accident on Egmont Road.", Riley said. 

"We've been busy over the past week with numerous calls to emergency services for car accidents. Its unfortunate, but we're lucky that most of them are minor", an police officer at the scene of a Devon Street West accident said. 

New Plymouth Youth in Politics closes for the year on Saturday 20th December 2014 for the Christmas season. 

Youth in Politics New Plymouth, and other locations return Saturday 3rd January 2014. 

We wish all of our supporters, members and their families a very happy christmas, and new year. 

"All of the members from New Plymouth will be getting together for Christmas at the Bowl on Sunday 14th to have a team ending", Founder Michael Riley said.