Time to Celebrate Your New Year's Resolutions!

Saturday 13 December 2014, 11:28PM

By Sub Rosa Cafe and Function Venue



With the ending of the current year and the approach of the new, many people reflect on what changes they want to make for the New Year. Most people use the time honoured tradition of writing up a New Year’s Resolution List.

The usual list will cover the most common resolutions: stop smoking, lose weight, eat healthier, save more money, spend more time with the kids, etc. All of these are laudable, but the problem is that focusing on what you can’t have, means that you might be setting yourself up for disappointment and failure.

From a psychological standpoint, achieving goals in a group setting, as opposed to trying to do it on your own, can be very helpful to your ultimate success. As each person works towards their goal, the entire group can offer encouragement and the sense of accomplishment is magnified. One way to do this is to join a social media group about that goal, such as a stop smoking group. Every time you reach a goal you can celebrate it and your triumph is shared with others, and you can share in theirs.

Another way to achieve your goals more easily is to break them down into smaller goals that are easier to accomplish. Breaking a large task down into smaller pieces, meeting each smaller goal, and rewarding yourself each time, makes accomplishing the entire goal much easier. Set some milestones for each accomplishment on the way to completing your larger goal.

It’s important to reward yourself each time you reach a milestone. Celebrate with a special dessert, or a fancy dinner with friends. Food can be a great motivator, as long as you don’t overdo it. Even if your goal is staying on a diet, a one-time special treat won’t wreck your diet and can be a great reward.

All these are great ideas, but what if you just don’t have the time or skill to throw a celebratory dinner party? With all the planning, cooking, and clean up from Christmas and New Year’s Eve parties, most of us don’t even want to think of hosting another big dinner for friends. This is where Sub Rosa can help you out. With their professional staff, they will make your celebration something special and memorable.

Sub Rosa specializes in hosting private functions from 20 to 250 people. They have years of experience and know what it takes to create a relaxed and festive atmosphere.

Feel like celebrating in style? Indulge yourself with cocktails and canapés on a harbour side balcony. If you want something indoors, the restaurant has a light and airy feel to it with plenty of room for dancing. Perfect for that celebratory tango!

The Sub Rosa kitchen is dedicated to giving you the best experience, even if you haven’t reached your goal yet. Not ready for that huge “I met my goal!” blow out? Still watching what you eat? Sub Rosa cater to most dietary requirements and restrictions, and can even make you a “mocktail” if alcohol is off your list.

Beating the Back to Work Blues

Some people look at the New Year like an empty highway. The road ahead is empty and there’s no traffic to stop you from heading along to better things. However, your calendar might already be filling with meetings, deadlines, conferences and due dates, making the holidays seem like something that passed by way too quickly.

Some people feel the best way to deal with the back to work blues, is to start planning your next vacation. After all, picturing yourself on your next vacation can go a long way towards diverting yourself from the daily grind. However, if you can’t plan a big vacation, how about some smaller events or opportunities to mark special events on your calendar? Spending a special night out with family or friends can really give you some encouragement, or even just a well-deserved break.

Sub Rosa can help here as well. How about celebrating the start or end of the financial year? If you are a sports fan, how about celebrating All Blacks victories, or the Melbourne Cup? Bastille Day, Waitangi Day, or even the completion of a seminar or training course can be great reason to treat yourself as well. A corporate function or family gathering at our downtown location is a fantastic way to celebrate.

You Don’t Even Need An Excuse To Celebrate!

You don’t really need a reason to celebrate. Having a positive attitude can make your New Year’s resolution a lot easier to accomplish. With the right attitude you will worry less, have more fun, and enjoy spending time with family and friends. And if this just happens to be your personal resolution, why not let Sub Rosa help you? With our delicious food, great wines and fun atmosphere, we are the perfect place to have a fun and memorable night out. Stop by and talk to Ben, who is more than happy to share his 20 plus years of hospitality experience with you to help you make your next celebration, one to remember!