Manuka Health to Launch Groundbreaking Bioactive Supplement at World's Largest Natural Health Products Show

Tuesday 24 February 2015, 10:14AM

By Manuka Health New Zealand Ltd.


Manuka Health, one of New Zealand’s most succesful and fastest growing honey brands, is preparing to unveil MGO™ Manuka Honey with CycloPower™, an advanced natural bioactive supplement, at Expo West in California, the world’s largest tradeshow for the natural, organic and health products industry.

In what is a pioneering move for the Manuka Honey industry, Manuka Health is the first to have combined all natural CycloPower technology with the proven health benefits of genuine New Zealand Manuka Honey. When combined with active ingredients (such as the methylglyoxal molecules found in Manuka Honey), the naturally fibrous cyclodextrin molecules in CycloPower substantially elevate the beneficial activity of Manuka Honey, making it tens of times more potent against certain bacteria then the Manuka Honey of the same strength. MGO Manuka Honey with CycloPower is more stable, soluble and bioavailable for more efficient delivery over a longer period of time.

“CycloPower is a breakthrough natural bioactive booster for more highly effective supplementation,” explains Dr Mike Durbin, Manuka Health’s General Manager of Wellness. “It is to natural healthcare what turbo is to cars – a way to get more performance without increasing the dose.

“By combining MGO Manuka Honey sourced from some of the greenest, most remote areas of New Zealand with CycloPower, Manuka Health has created a significantly more potent bioactive supplement than MGO Manuka Honey of the same strength,” says Mike. “CycloPower also lowers the Glycemic Index of Manuka Honey by 3-4 times. This helps the body manage blood sugars better, making it suitable for pre-diabetics and people with reduced insulin sensitivity. **”

So far, Manuka Health has created two dietary supplements using CycloPower. MGO 400+ Manuka Honey with CycloPower Tablets support overall dental health by supporting the balance of good bacteria in the mouth and throat and maintaining a neutral pH balance in the mouth, which helps prevent tooth decay. The prebiotic effect of MGO 400+ Manuka Honey with CycloPower Capsules supports digestive health by aiding the balance of good and bad bacteria in the lower gut helping to relieve bloating, irregularity, stomach upsets and acidity.

According to Mike, the launch of Manuka Health’s MGO 400+ Manuka Honey with CycloPower products into the USA is timely, given the ever-increasing demand for natural healthcare products.

“Sales of natural products are growing fast in the USA, with natural personal care products leading the way. In fact, in 2009, natural products sales topped a massive $56.7 billion,” he explains. “There is definitely a growing segment, both in the USA and internationally, which recognises the benefit of using natural products that provide tangible health benefits, but don’t contain artificial ingredients, preservatives and other chemicals.”

Along with MGO 400+ Manuka Honey with CycloPower, Manuka Health will also be displaying their award-winning ManukaClear skincare line and a range of other health and beauty products at Expo West. Visitors will be able to find Manuka Health at stand 763.

For further details, visit For more information on Expo West and to view a site map, visit

New Zealand consumers can purchase the full range of Manuka Health products, including ManukaClear and MGO 400+ Manuka Honey with CycloPower from

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**Dr T. Perry, Ms S. Richardson & Ms M. Peddie (2011). Report on the Glycaemic Index of Two Honey Products, Glycemic Index Otago, Department of Human Nutrition, University of Otago. (Data on file)


Further Information


Jennifer Boyes, Salt & Pepper PR

Phone: +64 21 667 873



About Manuka Health New Zealand – where nature and science meet:

Manuka Health, founded in 2006 by its CEO, Kerry Paul, is now one of the world’s largest Manuka honey companies distributed over 45 countries. Manuka Health has led the world in developing a range of innovative natural products based on scientific evidence of natural bioactives and their efficacy. Their product range includes New Zealand Manuka honey, propolis and other bee products.