Pacific Islanders Successful at Start-ups

Saturday 28 February 2015, 9:30AM

By Timothy Rose



The success of a West Auckland agency to an international Company has been phenomenal. Their specialist trainer is now sharing the tools successfully used by Pacific Island immigrants to start their own business.

Timothy Rose is an immigrant himself coming to Auckland in 1991 from USA. He was originally sponsored to assist a West Auckland community build their faith-based organisation. In 2005, knowing he wanted to remain in New Zealand after the work was completed, he began the difficult transition into private sector.

That is when he first joined American Income Life Insurance Company.

Timothy joined the international A+ Superior rated (A.M. Best Company) as a sales distributor. Working out of the Avondale based agency, AIL of New Zealand, he was recognised as part of the top 10% of the international sales force after only one full calendar year. Timothy explains that distributing life and accident covers underwritten by multi-billion dollar NYSE Company is not about the commissions:

“I have supported families through tragedies many years. I couldn’t help notice that a lot of the pain suffered could have been softened had the families been properly insured. I view my business as an extension of my previous ministry.”

AIL of New Zealand now contracts Timothy to train their agents. The majority of these new distributors are Pacific Islanders wanting to start their own business. And Timothy loves to work with them.

“I get excited every time I get to meet these courageous people who have the audacity to take on commission-only work. It is a privilege to train them.”

Timothy recently released a book containing his workshop anecdotes called “56 Notions of Success.” At the book launch he gave special tribute to a Tongan Immigrant colleague, Ofa Tupouniua, who has broken Company sales records.

Timothy is sharing this knowledge in a seminar at the New Lynn Community Centre. It is titled, “Foundations for Entrepreneurs.” Timothy explains the reason for the name.

“Becoming an Entrepreneur is more than just implementing a business plan. There are Foundations that must be laid before building your dream career. Sometimes people rush into learning ‘how to’ before understanding ‘why’.”

“Foundations for Entrepreneurs” is an hour long seminar helping people identify where they need to develop themselves as they tackle launching a new career.

Tuesday, 10th & 24th March 2015
5.30 – 6.30 pm
New Lynn Community Centre
45 Totara Ave, New Lynn

