The MeanFeet Story

Monday 16 March 2015, 4:53PM

By Beckie Wright


There is a very nice back story to how MeanFeet was conceived, with founders Geoff and Fraser coming to the conclusion that New Zealanders, (and Australians for that matter) were getting the ‘short end of the stick’ when buying premium branded sports footwear online, so they set about rectifying the situation.  As the guys figured, why should Kiwis and Ozzies be forced to buy their sports gear from the States or elsewhere in the Northern Hemisphere, in order to access footie boots and running shoes at more competitive prices? Add to this the further inconvenience of long delivery timeframes, impossible returns or exchanges in opposite time zones and the lack of a good customer service and the whole ordeal was just so much harder than it needed to be.

Like many kids Geoff and Fraser have grown up on a diet of sport and have gone through their fair share of gear over the years. They thought that there must be plenty of other Kiwis and Aussies who wanted to buy running gear and football boots online, but didn’t want to wait weeks for delivery and face an impossible task of returning or exchanging anything that wasn’t quite right.

So MeanFeet was born – online at and with a retail store and distribution centre in Glen Innes in Auckland, New Zealand. Stocking only the world’s best brands, customers will have confidence in buying premium products at competitive prices all backed up by MeanFeet’s amazing customer service. They offer free New Zealand national delivery where they pride themselves on speed; free exchanges if something is not quite right, and a customer services team right here in your time zone.

The MeanFeet team would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to all their customers – your reviews and your feedback are always welcome and encouraged (positive and constructive!) as this is how the team will continue to improve your MeanFeet shopping experience.

For more information please visit the website at  .