The Common Culprit behind Boiler Breakdown

Wednesday 15 July 2015, 12:24PM

By Mount Maunganui Engineering



People everywhere value their heaters the most whenever the cold months start rolling in. Sadly, it is also during this time of year that it is most likely to break down. This is the case because it is often left unused during the warmer months. When it’s time to put the boiler back to work, it rattles, complains and gets temperamental.

Some remember to carry out essential maintenance to keep their boilers working, but not everybody has the luxury of time to commit to regular check-ups and services. To those who did not have the foresight to maintain their boilers, just watch out for these common causes of boiler breakdowns:

Frozen Pipes

The condensation pipe at the back of the unit runs the risk of being improperly insulated, and if it is, becomes susceptible to            freezing during the colder months. To avoid boiler break down and to be able to keep warm, defrost your piping before getting it up and running.

Sludge Build Up

Another common culprit to boiler breakdown is the accumulation of sludge. If the radiators are noisy or if you notice cold spots, there might be sludge build up inside the central heating system. This will cause it to become inefficient in terms of energy consumption and you will end up doubling your bills.


When water pools at the bottom of your boiler, then chances are you have been victimised by the most common culprit of all: leaks. This problem will require you to consult with professionals. Here at Mount Maunganui Engineering Ltd, we offer superior pipe fittings and pipe maintenance services for all your needs.

With the winter coming in, you want to stay warm and safe. A leaky or frozen pipe will not fix itself. Enlist the help of a professional to do the job for you. Whether you need help with pipe cutting or you’re looking for stainless steel fabricators, Mount Maunganui Engineering Ltd can bring you what you need.

Visit for a complete list of the services they provide.