New Plymouth airport will see security changes - Riley

Thursday 19 November 2015, 9:18PM

By Community Taranaki



Calls for extra security flying domestically within New Zealand have been given the tick of approval by New Plymouth District Council election candidate Michael Riley.

A review of aviation security will produce recommendations that Transport Minister Simon Bridges will soon take to Cabinet for approval.

Prime Minister John Key said changes to domestic airline security were likely, as it was a "could do better" area.

Taranaki council candidate Michael Riley said the move was positive, and would see heightened security at New Plymouth Airport.

“Baggage and passengers should be screened already, it’s well overdue. I mean, I have a campaign policy on a new baggage claim purely on the basis that it will be a lot safer security wise to screen baggage,” he said.

New Plymouth Airport’s current baggage system is not screened at all and goes directly from the check in counter to the plane, and from the plane, to the baggage dolley which sends it to the terminal for pick up.

“It would take a bit more time, but a few seconds of waiting so our airport is safer is totally worth it,” Riley said.

Riley said changes could take place at New Plymouth as soon as January of next year, in time for Jetstar Airway’s arrival.

Transport Minister Simon Bridges said the review would look at all aspects of aviation security, "from cabin crew, the baggage, the cargo, the catering, and the ground crew”.