GeoGebra to help NZ students to understand mathematics

Friday 29 January 2016, 9:34AM

By Learn Implement Share


How do you rate yourself at maths? If you teach mathematics then you’ll probably rate yourself highly. If you don’t - which is most of you - then perhaps you are a part of the ‘80%’ of people who claim they were never very good with maths at school.

Take the number pi for example. The concept of pi may have been confusing (or boring) to you. And yet if you had dynamic GeoGebra files to work with (like the one shown in the gif here) your understanding, and level of interest, may have been very different.

Click this link to see pi demonstrated by GeoGebra if you didn’t click the one above.

GeoGebra is free software and is revolutionising mathematics classrooms around the world. It is easy to use once a teacher knows how, but there’s a lot to know.

The  8 week (12 hr) online course ‘Dynamic Geometry and Algebra with GeoGebra’ is a fantastically easy and enjoyable way for maths teachers to become proficient with GeoGebra. 

The course has paved the way for more than 500 Australian maths teachers to revolutionise their practice since 2009 and is now available in New Zealand through Learn Implement Share.