Hedge, Trimming and Pruning in Tauranga – Why Pruning is More than a Cosmetic Service

Monday 25 April 2016, 1:46PM

By Tree Fellers



Homeowners that allow their plants to grow out of control will have a problem with cleaning and maintaining their lawn. This not only makes doing certain chores difficult, but it may also affect the value of their property. Overgrown plants will crawl into spaces in a house and block the view, while trees that have dead branches may increase the risk of injury in case it inadvertently falls on someone.

Why Hedge, Trim or Prune?

Homeowners must prune or trim hedges at least two to three times a year after spring and summer growth. Leaving plants alone during this time results in overgrowth, which may affect the appearance of a property by making it look abandoned because of the plants crawling everywhere. Some might say that they don’t have time to do these chores; in such cases, the ideal option is to hire professionals.

Tree Fellers has the experience and expertise to trim, hedge or prune, and cut branches of old trees. Their team has more than two decades of experience felling, pruning, hedging and trimming plants and trees. Professional help gives homeowners assurance that all aspects of the job will be accomplished effectively and in a timely manner.

Professionals will listen to clients and customise their service based on their needs and how they want their yard or garden to appear after job completion. They are flexible when it comes to beginning or ending the services they provide. They can do the job within a few days or within the day, depending on the schedule set by a client.

Tree Fellers takes pride in the expertise of their workers; they have the skills to bring out the best even from an overgrown plant or bush. The company provides a variety of tree services in Tauranga, which include:

  • Mulching and chipping
  • Stump removal
  • Land clearing
  • Shelter belt topping
  • High climbing
  • Tree pruning
  • Hedge pruning in Tauranga and others


Pruning, hedge and trimming are not just for cosmetic purposes; it improves the appearance of your home and reduces the risk of possible injuries caused by falling branches. Visit to learn more about the services they offer.