Helping to get Kiwis on the right financial path

Wednesday 10 August 2016, 2:49PM

By Cole Murray Group Ltd


Bonnie Parkes & Mike Murray have created Cole Murray's new Financial Planning service.
Bonnie Parkes & Mike Murray have created Cole Murray's new Financial Planning service. Credit: Kirsten Simcox


Cole Murray launches Hawke's Bay's first complete financial planning service!

Hawke’s Bay’s first complete financial planning service has been launched by Cole Murray, providing Kiwis with a ‘fiscal compass’ to increase their financial literacy.

Driven by Cole Murray’s Authorised Financial Adviser Bonnie Parkes, the service is aimed at all people, regardless of their stage of life.

“We focus on all aspects of a person’s financial journey – whether they are just starting out, or getting ready to retire, we don’t focus on just one area like a bank or an investment company does, we look at everything including debt, mortgages, insurance, investments, retirement planning and KiwiSaver - all pieces of the financial puzzle,” says Mrs Parkes.

“A major challenge for Kiwis today is that there is no form of financial education available and we have generations of people who have financial goals and dreams, but no way of knowing how to get there. Added to that, we have banks and financial companies providing easy access to credit cards to satisfy people’s ‘got to have it now’ mentality, rather than learning to plan for these items. Many people underestimate the importance of planning in all aspects of their financial life,” she adds.

This new offering is a first for Hawke’s Bay and is expected to be popular, due to people increasing their financial literacy, which will be highlighted during Money Week, being held in early September.

“I want to make finances easy and enjoyable. I also want to encourage people to take stock and through creating a plan, to know their financial goals are within their reach. In this new role, I am the person they can come to to shed light on their financial situation. It’s about giving people advice and confidence to plan their financial future no matter what part of the journey they’re on.”

Keen to get your own plan happening?

Talk to Bonnie today about reviewing your total financial picture and getting a plan to ensure your goals are achieved.

Visit to find out more.