Why you should consider using granulated milk to make your office coffee

Wednesday 25 January 2017, 9:05AM

By Humanity Coffee Ltd



Why you should consider using granualted milk  to make coffee  in your office 

Extended Life: Fluid milk lasts only 14 days on the shelf in comparison to granulated powdered milk, which has an extended shelf life of 18 months. This extension is the result of removing almost all the moisture from fluid milk. 

Economical: Since granulated milk does not require expensive refrigeration, it is more economical than regular milk during storage. In addition, a 500g pack weighs less than the equivalent 4-5 litres of fluid milk, making the transportation, storage handling costs for producers cheaper not to mention expired product. 

Variations: Granulated milk powder is available in various forms, pure skim, part skim (14% fat), and full dairy topping. Fresh milk is usually purchased after it has been pasteurized and homogenized, and is available in whole, reduced fat and non-fat versions. Granulated milk is quickly reconstituted by mixing it with water. 

Nutrition: Fresh milk and Granulated milk are comparable in nutritional value. Both types of milk contain the same amounts of protein, calcium and vitamin D. 

Taste: Once mixed with water Granulated milk tastes almost identical to its equivalent fresh milk counterpart 

Cost: Granulated milk costs less than fresh milk. While the prices of fresh milk fluctuate, the cost of powdered milk remains relatively unchanged. 

Storage: Fresh milk must be stored in the refrigerator and used within one to two weeks. Granulated milk, however, can be stored for up to 18mths, and also takes up less volume. Once it is mixed with water, the reconstituted milk must be refrigerated and used within a similar period to fresh milk.