May Events at Stardome

Friday 26 May 2017, 8:31PM

By Beckie Wright


Stardome Planetarium never seem to run out of terrific ideas to keep us entertained ‘under the stars’ every month, and this month is no exception. May gives us the chance to learn the time honoured skill of celestial navigation, in an interactive environment on May 30th at 8pm. Celestial navigation was once used by sailors crossing vast oceans with the intention of reaching land.

Astro-navigation is still used today in space exploration; it was used to guide Mars missions through the solar system. It uses the same principles as those used by sailors for hundreds of years. In Celestial Navigation, you’ll learn navigational techniques in a fun and entertaining environment.

Celestial Navigation is a two-hour learning session, presented in Stardome’s 360° planetarium theatre. They take you on a guided tour to familiarise yourself with important directional stars and constellations as seen from New Zealand and other parts of the world.

Book your ticket at: .

Next up is Mother’s Day. Stardome loves Mums as much as they love the stars, so on Mother’s Day all Mums get in free! Show your Mum that she means the world to you by bringing her along to Stardome where she can relax in the reclining seats and gaze up at the 360-degree dome and watch a Planetarium film. Or, bring her along to The Autumn Night Sky show where she’ll enjoy a tour of the stars and constellations visible in the skies above. This is on Sunday 14 May. One free mother per paying person.

Planetarium Shows:

1pm: Tycho to the Moon
2pm: A Starry Tale
3pm: Attack of the Space Pirates
4pm: We are Astronomers
6pm: Black Holes
7pm: Incoming!
8pm: The Autumn Night Sky

Phone bookings are essential: 09 624 1246

Finally, Stardome feature the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Celebrate Towel Day and watch Arthur Dent’s journey on the search for the meaning of life with his friend Ford Prefect, a chronically depressed robot, and absolutely no tea whatsoever. BYO towel.

Includes a glass of wine (18 years and over, ID required) and snacks. This is not a 360-degree planetarium show. Film is rated PG, contains low-level violence.

Book your ticket at: .

For more information please go to .