Breathing fire into summer reading

Monday 17 December 2007, 3:39PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



The children’s summer reading programme ‘Catch a Dragon by the Tale’ begins December 21, 2007 at all 13 libraries across the Queenstown Lakes and Central Otago districts.

"We’re hoping for 900 children to sign up this year,’’ said organiser Ann-Marie Wilcox. ``In Queenstown alone, we’re expecting 120 children to enrol.’’

The programme, which runs to February 4, is open to all children, from pre-school through to teenagers. Young readers would be asked to set their own reading targets, with a three-book minimum.

Those who sign up would receive a free book bag, a reading record and bookmark. Prizes are available for those who successfully complete the programme.

"We really want to inspire reading throughout the school holidays,’’ Ms Wilcox said. ``This programme has been enthusiastically received in the past by both children and their parents. We hope that this year will be no exception.’’