MoneyHub publishes a guide of estimated costs of various Auckland plumbing services

Monday 27 May 2019, 11:06AM

By MoneyHub New Zealand


To eliminate uncertainty for households when contemplating calling a plumber, MoneyHub has published an extensive guide to plumbing services in Auckland.


MoneyHub Senior Researcher Christopher Walsh said:

“We wanted to make plumbing costs less confusing; our list of prices for various plumbing jobs helps pre-empt what you can expect to pay. To help homeowners make a choice, we've handpicked a list of ten reliable, affordable and trusted plumbers in Auckland to save time and money”.

“We want to make homeowners aware that many minor plumbing issues, such as blocked sinks, toilets and pipes, can be solved with DIY tools from Mitre 10 or Bunnings Warehouse. In fact, three must-have items can be bought for under $30 in total, and mean homeowners can avoid calling a plumber if the job falls under DIY”.

“We have made it clear exactly how plumbers charge, with the average bill consisting of a labour charge, parts and materials, any specialist equipment costs, travel cost and GST”.

“We have listed ten reliable Auckland Plumbers available in Central, East, West, North and South Auckland, selected based on their history of longstanding service within Auckland, location and data extracted from internet reviews on Google Business, Facebook, TradeMe Services and others. No plumbing company has paid to appear on the list, and has no relationship with any plumbing company”.

“We expect our plumbing guide to be popular and give homeowners the confidence to call in a plumber, knowing exactly the billing process. We will be updating the page on an ongoing basis”.


More: Auckland Plumbers