5 Property Maintenance Tips During Winter

Thursday 13 June 2019, 3:49PM

By Jason Patel



Getting your home ready for winter is always a good thing to do. Whether you are a landlord or a tenant, you need to make sure everything is working fine so that you don’t end up running around when the time comes.

Here are five essential cold weather tips for the home that will help you maintain and add value to the property during the colder months.

1. Check Pipes, plumbing, and Gutters

As soon as Autumn starts fading away, you know winter is just around the corner. And winter in New Zealand comes with rain. This means that there’s always the possibility of overflowing gutters and water leaking through exterior damages. Here are some plumbing related essential home maintenance tips that will answer all your how to prepare for winter questions!

·         Make sure that your gutters, downpipes, and drains are free of debris and leaves and don’t require any repairing.

·         Giddy up and climb the roof to see if any worn tiles need repairing as broken ones let water permeate into the property.

·         Install leaf guards on the gutters and add extensions to the downpipes to ensure that water stays away from the property.

You only have to complete this home repair inspection checklist to make your home rainproof during the entire season. Clogged plumbing can land you in trouble if the rain pours down heavily, so make sure you are all set on this front.

2. Examine Insulation

Adequate insulation helps maintain a healthier living environment as it reduces dampness and condensation. A well-insulated home also keeps the generated heat inside, resulting in reduced heating bills. Follow the below-mentioned checklist to keep things warm during winter.

·         Check the existing insulation of your property and see if it’s enough to provide a comfortable environment.

·         If your home has no insulation, installing one can help you increase your asking price and make your property desirable for tenants.

·         Make sure to check if there have been any damages to the existing insulation because of dampness or compression from storage boxes.

If you plan to shirk on the insulation, you need to know that as of 1ST July 2019, it is compulsory to install ceiling and underfloor insulation in all rental homes where possible. Still not in the mood?

PS. Landlords not complying to this regulation may be liable for a penalty up to $4,000 – How’s that for getting you ready for action?

3. Maintain Heating

A home with proper heating options is loved by tenants and home buyers alike. Here is how you need to maintain the heating system of your property.

·         If your property has no heating source, consider installing heat pumps, wood pellet burners, and flued gas heaters.

·         To increase the heat retention of your property, consider installing thick, thermal backed curtains.

·         If you already have a heat pump installed (bravo!), make sure to change the filter and clean exterior unit from debris and leaves, etc.

4. Check Dampness and Moisture

Musty smell, mold, and water stains on the walls or ceiling are the signs of excessive dampness. And with dampness comes moisture that can be taken care of with the following tips.

·         Install extractor fans in kitchens and bathrooms to deal with mold formation.

·         Make sure that your property gets enough sunlight so pruning back trees is something you should consider.

·         A musty smell means dampness. Check wardrobes, cupboards, and places that don't get sunlight for possible mold formation.

·         Check on your ventilation system and change the filter before winter arrives.

Cold temperatures and rain are favorable conditions for mold growth. Make sure you inspect your entire property for possible mold formation and remove it as soon as possible.

5. Don’t Forget Fireplace Maintenance To Do List

If you have a fireplace in your property, consider cleaning it every year. Here are some tips to help you do things better.

·         Home insurance policies have a clause that the fireplace must be cleaned on an annual basis. If you don’t comply, your insurance policy might be deemed invalid in the event of a fire.

·         If you don’t use the fireplace, consider blocking it to contain heat in the home.

Also, while using the fireplace, move ahead with caution as fire is something not to be meddled with. If you have children, consider installing a protective wire gauze to keep them away from contact.

If you need tips and hire a property manager in Auckland. He can easily manage your property at a reasonable price.