Kudos for enableMe From Happy Customers

Monday 24 June 2019, 7:53PM

By Beckie Wright


Financial advice is a service based on trust and it can be difficult to distinguish the pros from the cowboys. enableMe – Financial Personal Trainers has a more than decade-long track record of helping Kiwis get ahead, get mortgage-free fast get retirement ready. enableMe’s website is full of glowing reports from some of its thousands of clients whose financial lives have changed for the better as a result of working with enableMe’s Financial Advisors. 

“We're still using our enableMe ways, must be at least five years now. We went from sinking to swimming. Was great for us. We now CONTROL the money flow, not the other way around and we can cope with those inevitable "curve balls" (not that I want any curveballs thanks!). I would always recommend anyone who wants to sort their financial life out to do this, even if you are on a low income.” Kim Buchanan

“My friends recommended initially and then my work (Ogilvy) set it up for us. Prior to this I was trying to get it together but weren’t seeing the total picture. enableMe made it easy for us to manage on a daily basis. Made us aware of larger expenses were weren’t allowing for in our budget. I feel less guilty about spending because budget is allocated and I know the surplus! We are now both more aligned and each has our own cash to spend on what’s important to us so we shouldn’t make each other feel guilty when we do spend! This has been awesome. Totally needed it. Highly recommend it. Thanks heaps.” Rachel Auckland

“We have been working with enableMe for approximately 5 months now and in that time have made significant inroads into reducing our mortgage. Their tailored financial plan and budgeting software has made this such an easy process and their customer service is second to none. If you are looking to get control of your finances, reduce your mortgage over the mid to long term and plan for your retirement then I can't recommend them highly enough.” Gordon Dale, Auckland

“We heard about enableMe through a friend. We wanted to get our mortgage reduced quicker and help us to budget. Our financial situation before was pretty good. enableMe took the stress away, great budgeting advice. One of the benefits has been the separate accounts for bills and expenses etc. Yes there has been a positive effect on our personal relationship and family; with less stress in family life by having order in our finances.” Hayden and Christine Richardson

It’s clear enableMe has earned its reputation as New Zealand’s leading Financial Personal Trainers, so for more information on financial advisors and budget advisors please go to .