Cleaning Tips For Christmas

Saturday 28 November 2020, 3:44PM

By Premium Cleaning Services


Top tips for preparing your home for Christmas celebrations.

Christmas is a wonderful time of year to celebrate the summer holidays with family and friends. It can also be the most exhausting time of the year, especially if it’s your turn to host everyone for Christmas lunch or dinner. Friends and Family coming to visit throughout the festive season, it’s your time to shine and show off what a lovely clean home you have.

We all like our homes to be clean and tidy when we entertain and loathe having to do the cleaning up afterward. Especially during the festive season when there’s so little time to relax and always so much to do.

Here are some tips to ensure your home looks immaculate both before and after the party with minimal hassle or time required.

Pre-Christmas cleaning

  1. Make a list of what needs to be done well in advance, so you are organized. Top of the list should be getting the house looking spic and span as this sets the right tone for when guests arrive and create a welcoming environment if visitors are staying.
  2. Think of the things you have not used in the last six months. Especially if you have children, you will no doubt soon have an influx of items with nowhere to put them. Go through existing toys and clothes and figure out which need to go into storage and which should be donated.
  3. Do a check around the house to identify what areas will require attention. If you’re going to be spending time both indoors and out, it’s a good idea to get glass windows and doors cleaned as this is often neglected during the course of the year
  4. Carpets are notorious for gathering dirt and surface stains can make a tidy room look grubby. A special occasion like Christmas is a great time to get them professionally cleaned so the house looks and smells great. It’s worth getting a professional cleaner to do a thorough carpet shampoo as deep stains are often not visible to the eye but can cause bad odors to permeate through the room.
  5. To save time and reduce stress, look for a cleaning company that offers casual cleaning in your local area. They should be able to clean the windows and doors, vacuum and shampoo the carpets and clean the oven all on the same day. These are tasks that are time-consuming and messy and well worth getting someone else to do for you. Make sure you arrange a cleaner early though, as Christmas cleaning bookings can full up fast. Plus there are usually good discounts on offer at this time of year!

Post-Christmas cleaning

  1. Usually, the most urgent post-Christmas cleaning job is getting rid of the Christmas tree and picking up the pine needles from the carpet. Pine needles can damage your vacuum cleaner so it’s best to sweep them up first and then just use the hoover to get rid of the rest.
  2. Disposing of wrapping paper and other rubbish is less tedious if you have rubbish bags handy and can go around the house picking them up in one go. Arrange a professional cleaner to come in to do a full house clean afterward, so your home is spic and span and ready for the New Year without you being exhausted.
  3. If you discover there are food and drink spills on the carpet, then a light shampoo and steam clean will remove them before they soak deep into the carpet fibers. Don’t try and do it yourself though, as wiping or using water to remove the stains will just make it worse. It’s far better to get them shampooed by a professional cleaner as quickly as possible, so they look brand new again.

Wrapping Up

We understand that this is one of the busiest times of the year. You are more than welcome to connect with Urban Care if you are looking to take advantage of our affordable services;

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  3. carpet cleaning Wellington
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