The New Trend of Organisation

Wednesday 31 March 2021, 6:53PM

By Premium SEO NZ



Having a highly organised home has become an obsession for many people, largely due to popular TV shows such as ‘Tidying Up with Marie Kondo’ and, more recently, the Home Edit. These shows feature people offering up their homes to organisation experts who declutter the house. Every single item in that property is given a place to go, with baskets and drawers and containers galore.

Many people have watched these types of shows and are now implementing the advice in their own homes. If you want to create a tidier home, you may need some new furniture. You can usually find plenty of furniture Newmarket, so head there to hunt down a new chest of drawers, some organising boxes, or a new entertainment unit where you can neatly put away your possessions.

If you want a dream closet, The Home Edit suggests organising your clothing by colour as well as season. Each clothing type should be arranged in rainbow order; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. It might sound like the upkeep of this would be a challenge, but the idea is that everyone knows what order the rainbow goes in, so everyone should know where to put items back – even children.

Marie Kondo’s original book ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up’ talks about getting rid of anything that doesn’t spark joy. The increasing popularity of this and other methods for decluttering your home has led to a surge in donations to local second-hand stores. These charity shops are packed to the rafters will all kinds of goods to sell on.

If you’ve been inspired to organise your home, consider following the trend of donating your stuff to goodwill. Not only will you easily be able to declutter your space, but you’ll be giving to those in need.