MoneyHub Publishes Part-Time Job Guide

Sunday 6 June 2021, 2:47PM

By MoneyHub New Zealand


MoneyHub has published an extensive list of part-time job opportunities from leading retailers, service providers and alternative employers.

MoneyHub Senior Researcher Christopher Walsh said:

“Many New Zealanders, post-COVID-19, are looking for part-time work to support their households. We’ve published a must-read resource which helps focus aspiring part-time workers on potential opportunities”.

“We know that joblessness is higher now due to COVID-19, but companies are still hiring and part-time workers are in demand. The jobs on offer are more competitive; our guide highlights essential considerations to make to boost the chance of success. These tips are to help before applicants proceed further”.

“Our part-time job list covers fashion, food, health, beauty, lifestyle, alternative retail, services and more. We believe it to be the most comprehensive on offer in New Zealand”.

MoneyHub will continue to update the guide as new opportunities arise.

More: Part-Time Jobs New Zealand