SEO as a Career Choice

Tuesday 25 January 2022, 4:01PM

By Premium SEO NZ



Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a concept that has existed for almost two decades. However, it has gained ground as a real professional in the last few years. As the SEO industry grows, the demand for SEO specialists who know how to optimize content, pages, and applications is also growing.

SEO specialists have mastered the algorithms behind search engine results, and they use their skills to help clients' pages appear top in search. Today, you can learn these skills from classes as part of a digital marketing course.

So is SEO a great career choice? Yes! SEO is an excellent career with great financial rewards if you are passionate about digital marketing. Here are some SEO career paths you can pursue:

SEO Specialist

As an SEO specialist, your responsibility is to test, analyze and make changes to websites to rank them in the search engine results. In most cases, you will be working closely with the web development team to ensure SEO practices are incorporated in all web pages and sections. Your job will include keyword research, content optimization, website structure optimization, and link building.

SEO Analyst

After gaining substantial experience in SEO best practices and analytics, you can become head of SEO or SEO analyst. SEO analysts have a broader view of search engine trends, and they recommend strategies that will help achieve the required key performance indicators (KPIs). You will also focus on digital marketing strategy and conversion optimization.

PPC Manager

 SEO is a broad concept that overlaps with marketing channels like pay-per-click (PPC) and content marketing. PPC is paid advertising mostly through Google Adwords. As a PPC manager, you will be responsible for selecting the target audience, researching keywords, and optimizing campaign budgets.

SEM Specialist

Search engine marketing (SEM) intertwines with SEO, but in practice, it is different. It includes SEO, PPC, and customer relationship management. As an SEM specialist, you should develop a strategy to rank a company top of both paid and organic search engine results.

In today's marketing world, every business needs SEO to improve its visibility in search engines. As a result, many pay for search engine optimization services from leading SEO companies like SEO Christchurch.