Does your office need standing desks?

Sunday 23 October 2022, 8:56PM

By Agile Office Furniture


Standing desks are a relatively new concept in the office. Over the last few years, workplaces have been through a drastic change. Old standards faded into dust, and new, more employee-friendly practices were adopted by thousands, if not millions, of offices around the globe.

Along with this wave of change came standing desks with great enthusiasm. These are desks that are rigid at a high stance or adjustable from a sitting to a standing height. Although the concept can be traced to the early 1400s (even DaVinci painted Mona Lisa on a standing desk), the trend of offices having standing desks is a 21st-century thing.

But did you know there are several icons in history that are avid users of standing desks?

For example, Leonardo DaVinci painted the Mona Lisa on a standing desk.

Ernest Hemingway wrote his most iconic novels while using a standing desk.

Even Charles Dickens, a historic writer in the Victorian era was noted to be a standing desk user.

Why standing desks are a great investment

When it comes to employee wellness, health is the number one priority. Standing desks, or sit-stand desks aid in the overall health of an employee by promoting movement. When we stand every now and then, our blood flow is optimized, and we reduce our chances of getting diseases that are caused by a sedentary lifestyle.

If you are already thinking of getting yourself a standing desk, let us help you make up your mind.

The best standing desks: Electric and Adjustable

Perhaps one of the best things technology has given us when it comes to employee wellness is standing desks. Most standing desks available in the market are already adjustable, meaning they can be used as regular sit-down desks and as standing desks.

Electric standing desks are plugged into the wall and can be adjusted with just the push of a button, while manually adjustable standing desks require more effort as you need to turn a hand crank to raise or lower the height. Still, that’s not a lot of work for the benefits you can reap.

Pro tip on how to choose a standing desk: go for top-rating standing desks.

Read reviews and ask a staff member when you are purchasing standing desks. Some brands have a tendency to be stuck and require repairs, but standing desks from top-rated brands are more likely to be free from these inconveniences.

Standing desks are also best paired with under-desk treadmills to maximize the health benefits you get from moving while working. Some standing desks are designed to be readily attachable to walking treadmills. It’s an extra step to better health.