Active Aligners: The Revolutionary Way to Straighten Your Teeth in Auckland

Friday 17 February 2023, 12:37AM

By Premium SEO NZ



Straightening crooked teeth has always been a challenge for people who desire a perfect smile. For years, traditional braces have been the go-to option, but they are bulky, uncomfortable and can impact the wearer's confidence. However, with the latest technology, active aligners have become the revolutionary way to straighten teeth in Auckland.

Active aligners are custom-made clear plastic trays that fit comfortably over your teeth, applying gentle pressure to move them into the correct position. Unlike traditional braces, active aligners are virtually invisible, making them a discreet option for anyone looking to improve their smile. They can also be removed when eating or brushing, making them a more convenient option.

One of the best places to get active aligners in Auckland is at Customs St. Dental. The clinic offers QD Active Aligners, a brand of aligners that are designed to achieve the perfect smile in the shortest possible time. The aligners use state-of-the-art technology to apply pressure precisely where it is needed, ensuring fast and effective results.

Customs St. Dental uses digital scanning to create a 3D model of your teeth, which is used to create your custom aligners. This technology ensures a perfect fit and accurate movement of your teeth, which results in a more comfortable experience. The clinic also offers a free consultation to determine if you are a suitable candidate for active aligners.

Dr. David Crum, the principal dentist at Customs St. Dental, said, "Active aligners have changed the game when it comes to teeth straightening. They are a comfortable, convenient, and discreet option that can help people achieve their dream smile. We are excited to offer QD Active Aligners to our patients and see the positive impact they have on their lives."

In conclusion, active aligners have revolutionized the way people straighten their teeth. They are a discreet, comfortable, and convenient option that can help anyone achieve the perfect smile they desire. If you are looking for active aligners in Auckland, Customs St. Dental offers QD Active Aligners, and their experienced team can help you achieve your dream smile.