Male pours petrol on himself

Saturday 19 January 2008, 7:38AM

By New Zealand Police



Domestic related arrest Motueka.

At about 10.55 p.m. an intoxicated 46 year old Motueka man drove onto to the Shell service station in High street Motueka.

A fuel tanker was re-filling tanks at the time.

At the garage he has used petrol and diesel nozzles to spray fuel over the interior of his vehicle the forecourt and himself.

He has then entered the garage and assaulted the attendant taken cigarette lighters and threatened to blow himself up.

The shop attendant spoke to the man keeping him calm until the arrival of police who were able to overpower and arrest him without further incident.

The man has been charged with Assault on a female, Assaulting the attendant and Criminal nuisance. He was also processed for drink driving.

He will be assessed by mental health services tomorrow before appearing in the Nelson District Court.

The fire service were called to attend and assisted to clean up the fuel spill.

This was a potentially serious incident which was lucky to be resolved without incident.

This was not a gang related incident.