The Akatarawa and Pakuratahi forests reopen to dogs

Friday 25 January 2008, 12:26PM

By Greater Wellington Regional Council



Greater Wellington has reopened the Akatarawa and Pakuratahi forests to dogs, following the successful completion of its possum control operation last year.

The forests were closed to dogs from August 2007 when aerial operations to eradicate Bovine Tb and protect forest health began, using 1080 poison. “It has been over four months since we finished the aerial operation – all the bait has broken down and an inspection of carcasses has shown that they are no longer a threat to dogs,” says Philippa Crisp, Greater Wellington’s Principal Advisor – Planning and Forests.

Philippa urges dog owners to continue taking notice of signs and maintain control of their dogs. “Greater Wellington and other agencies carry out ground-based pest control operations in parks and forests around the region throughout the year. Dog owners should always protect their dogs by checking pest control warning signs and stopping their dogs from scavenging.”

Dog owners should also watch out for potentially toxic blue-green algae in rivers and streams. Growth of algal mats is common in rivers throughout the Wellington region during periods of low river flow and warm temperatures. Blue-green algae is extremely toxic to dogs, who are particularly susceptible because they enjoy scavenging along the riverside. For more information, see