Chadwick launches Seaweek 2008

Friday 29 February 2008, 5:48PM

By Hon Steve Chadwick



Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick has today launched Seaweek 2008, which focuses on how everyone can get involved in protecting our unique and stunning marine environment.

She launched the annual event at a special play being staged at Fort Takapuna in Devonport in Auckland.

Steve Chadwick says the theme this year is ‘One Ocean – It starts with me’, “This is a very appropriate message given the Labour-led government’s work to reduce the impacts of climate change and the importance of every individual playing their part.

“Climate change directly affects our oceans, coastlines and the many the creatures that inhabit them, and this government is committed to protecting our beautiful marine and coastal environment.”

Steve Chadwick says Seaweek is about educating all New Zealanders about what they can do to help protect our seas and coastlines, with school field trips, walks, guided snorkelling, beach cleanups and other events throughout the country.

“We’re launching Seaweek with a theatre production called ‘Perils of the Deep Blue Sea’, which is about how we can all get involved in conservation work.

“New Zealand is a world leader in marine conservation, and conservation is all about DOC and communities working together for this shared goal. This play is a great example of how to raise awareness of protecting your local sea, beach or coastline.”

“The play is set around a young Maui’s dolphin, and protecting this species is something I feel very strongly about. More than two thousands submissions are currently being considered about how to protect Hector’s and Maui’s dolphins and a final decision is due shortly.”