Pukekohe Paving Not Quite to Plan

Wednesday 5 March 2008, 3:12PM

By Franklin District Council



Hall Street, part of Stage Two of the Pukekohe Town Centre Upgrade, will not have a final finished look until the beginning of April, due to a paving issue that has disappointed all involved.

“When the pavers arrived over the weekend we discovered that they did not match the specifications we ordered. They have been rejected by Council and sent back by the contractor and will be replaced by the paving manufacturer. However, it means that the footpaths cannot be finally completed for a further extra month,” says Franklin District Council’s Director of Operations and Services, Ian Alexander.

In order to make the footpath usable in the interim Council has instructed contractors to lay paving of an available colour until the replacement pavers arrive. These will finish the footpath off for now and will be replaced with the correct colour pavers when they arrive. The contractors are skilled at laying pavers and will be able to do the job quickly once the pavers arrive.

Council says this is particularly disappointing as everyone involved has been looking forward to Hall Street being completed and the public being able to have a first look at the stage two upgrade.

“We don’t want anyone to think that what you see in Hall Street over the next month is the final look of the upgrade. When the correct colour pavers arrive we guarantee the finish will be better then ever,” says Ian.

There is no extra cost to residents and ratepayers for this work.