Kim Workman to Headline Sensible Sentencing Trust's Victims' Conference

Monday 10 March 2008, 11:35PM

By Rethinking Crime and Punishment


Kim Workman
Kim Workman Credit: Rethinking Crime and Punishment


The Rethinking Crime and Punishment Project Leader, Kim Workman will headline the Sensible Sentencing Trusts Victim's Conference in Wellington, in April.

"Garth McVicar has generously invited me to headline the Conference, and I am delighted to accept. What is clear to me is that there are about three things we agree on. Firstly, that there are some dangerous offenders that need to locked up for reasons of public safety. Secondly, that society needs to do better in the way it treats the victims of crime. Thirdly, that if we want to reduce the number of victims then we need to reduce the number of offenders.

While we largely agree on what we want, we don't always agree on the best way to get it. This will be an opportunity to put across another perspective to a group who have been severely affected by crime.

We are concerned that both Garth McVicar and victims associated with the Trust believe that the Rethinking Project and Prison Fellowship are funded by government. I have written to Garth, explaining that the Rethinking Project is not funded by government, and nor is the victim-offender conferencing work. They are both funded by public donation and charitable trusts. All the work we do is heavily supported by volunteers.

I have also written a private letter in response to a widely published open statement from Kevin McNeil, son of murder victim Lois Dear. He has my permission to publish it if he so wishes.

All Rethinking has ever wanted is a lively discussion and community dialogue about crime and punishment. We are grateful to Garth McVicar for giving us that opportunity."