Learn to swim learn to survive

Thursday 12 June 2008, 4:57PM

By Hamilton City Council



Can the children at your school swim? Would the children at your school survive?.

That's the question being asked in local schools embarking on a Swim For Life event on 19 June at Hamilton City Council's Waterworld swimming complex on Garnett Avenue in Te Rapa.

Last year 110 people drowned in New Zealand, but many of them wouldn't have if they knew how to swim says Brendon Ward, Chief Executive of the New Zealand Recreation Association.

"For too long, too many New Zealand children haven't had the opportunity or motivation to learn swimming and other necessary water safety skills. Swim For Life is attempting to reverse this situation for the sake of future generations".

During June, 10 Swim For Life events are being held throughout New Zealand. The event series aims to provide a free and fun introductory session for children, said Matt Claridge, General Manager of Water Safety New Zealand.

"The events will provide students with important learn to swim and survive knowledge, as well as skills that will help their decision making and enjoyment of water based activities. They will also promote on-going learn to swim and water safety sessions to the students".

An important part of the Swim For Life event series is to provide an opportunity for schools to develop or enhance their relationship with their local pool. Teachers will attend a briefing session and are also encouraged to develop their own learn to swim knowledge and skills.

After this event, the school children who participate will be able to swim better and will have a greater chance of survival.