Construction on Invercargill court redevelopment begins

Tuesday 17 June 2008, 5:44PM

By New Zealand Government 2005-2008



Courts Minister Rick Barker was in Invercargill today to signal the beginning of construction on the Invercargill courthouse redevelopment and announce that initial work on the new sallyport is underway. 

"The new Invercargill courthouse will combine the old with the new to produce a modern, spacious, state of the art courthouse that will cater to the needs of the Invercargill community now and in the future,” Mr Barker said.

"New additions to the courthouse will replicate the look of the existing courthouse, copying details and using similar materials. Architectural treatment of the facades will ensure the look is consistent with the style of the original courthouse. A redevelopment of this kind will add to the heritage significance of the existing courthouse by providing more grandeur and presence to the court facility.”

During his visit to the courthouse Rick Barker also released the visuals for the new Invercargill courthouse, and unveiled a model of the courthouse which will be on display in the Invercargill library from next week until the new facade is constructed.

"As part of the redevelopment a second storey will be added to the front of the courthouse to accommodate the family courtroom and hearing room, lawyers’ room, justice of the peace room, adjudicators’ rooms and public areas.

"The ground floor will be reconfigured to provide a new number three courtroom with custodial access and secure judges’ entry, additional public waiting areas, improved facilities for support agencies, additional judicial areas and improved staff space.

"Courtrooms one and two will remain, but will be refurbished. New heating and ventilation will be provided throughout the courtrooms and the installation of a lift will provide access to the new upper level as well as existing file storage areas in the basement. The new courthouse will have a single public entry and will provide for improved security for judges, staff, lawyers and court users.”

Construction of the main redevelopment will begin in December 2008 and is expected to be complete by the end of 2010. Over the last eight years five new courthouses have been built and 28 major courthouses refurbished around New Zealand. Two courthouses are currently being built and eight more major refurbishments are either planned or underway.