Inner Links Drop-in Session

Tuesday 1 July 2008, 12:32PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



The Queenstown Lakes District Council is continuing to seek feedback on options to address the increasing pressure on the Queenstown transportation network, QLDC transportation planning manager Denis Mander said.

“In order to answer any questions or help people to understand the options being proposed we are holding a drop-in session this week,” Mr Mander said.

The session was a chance for people to come along to the council and ask questions or get clarification about the Melbourne Street to One Mile Link in a very informal setting.

“We’ll throw the maps up on the wall and welcome anyone who wants to come along and talk through the options or just come and find out what we are proposing,” Mr Mander said.

People could either give council feedback at the time or pick up a discussion document which contained a feedback form. Feedback to date had been constructive and helpful.

“People have until 25 July to give us their views on the study,” Mr Mander said.

The drop-in session would be held from 3-6pm at the council chamber on Gorge Road on Thursday, 3 July.