Wintec and QJumpers team up to beat rural skill shortage

Tuesday 15 July 2008, 10:58AM

By Wintec



Te Kuiti Wintec and on-line recruitment company QJumpers have spearheaded a new initiative to offer an online career planning course called ‘Get Set’ to their local communities for free.

Get Set is an online course developed by QJumpers. The course has been developed using industry feedback so employees can make better informed employment decisions.

Campus manager Marlene Perry says the initiative will increase participants awareness of the ‘soft skill’ performance areas employers want, as well as bridge the identified gap between the needs of employers and the skill set of employees.

“By using Get Set, students will be better prepared to enter the work force and will know how to choose a career and a company that is right for them,” says Marlene.

QJumpers sales and marketing manager Simon Oldham adds once participants have completed the Get Set course they can be placed into the QJumpers’ talent pool which puts participants CV’s directly in front of relevant employers.

This model of recruitment is aimed to help employers combat skill shortages, particularly in regional areas, where they can select from suitable local candidates through quick and easy access to the talent pool.

“This increases the chance of a good fit between career seeker and employer and is aimed to help improve retention and productivity,” says Oldham.

The tools used by Get Set present participants in a way that showcases their all round ability and attributes to potential employers.

Skills that are taught include listening and conflict resolution and written and verbal communication skills, understanding learning and working styles as well as profiling tools to help them understand what motivates them and how they like to be managed.

QJumpers has existing partnerships with the Business New Zealand Employer Associations.