Tukituki Alliance candidate speaks out on petrol cost hikes

Monday 4 August 2008, 7:07PM

By Alliance Party



Tukituki Alliance candidate speaks out on petrol cost hikes

Alliance Party Tukituki electorate candidate and Hawkes Bay resident Thomas O'Neill today called for more action from the Government on petrol replacements.

Mr O'Neill says unlimited growth is not sustainable in the future and an economy based on cheap oil was no longer an option.

"Oil prices are causing hardship amongst those who can least afford it. Replacements are not up filling the gap of cheap oil and current biofuel policy only allows the Government to avoid making difficult decisions on increasing demand for energy."

Mr O'Neill says the Alliance Party wanted to invest in research for new energy sources and a better transport system.

"Time is running out for planned change to renewable and sustainable energy sources, and soon we will have restrictions on growth forced upon us. This means working people will likely go without essentials of food and transport. We saw that in the 1970s oil shocks, and the recession that followed."

He says that workers and those on low incomes have always borne the brunt of cost hikes.

The Alliance wants to develop renewable energy sources, promote low impact transport modes like rail and shipping, and invest heavily in public transport, says Mr O'Neill.