Never any threat to trees

Friday 8 August 2008, 3:30PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



Heritage trees adjacent to historic miners’ cottages in Arrowtown are not and will not be under any threat from proposed stormwater mitigation, Queenstown Lakes District Council chief executive Duncan Field said.

“Reports that the council is in some way threatening these iconic heritage trees is a runaway train with no engineer,” Mr Field.

The entire basis for the concern was rendered from a scoping report about the need for stormwater work to protect the cottages.

“In that report it identified that the loss or damage to the heritage trees was a potential risk. Such risks are flagged in order that they can be eliminated. It’s about protecting the trees not revving up the chainsaws,” Mr Field said.

Media commentary to date that the council was in some way suggesting that the trees be removed was completely without foundation.

It was disappointing that Arrowtown residents had ‘jumped the gun’ without knowing the facts, he said.

“The irony is that the council is actually at the start of a process to afford the trees and the miners’ cottages (which the council purchased to ensure their survival) better protection and ultimately enhanced longevity,” Mr Field.

Consultation with stakeholders, including the Arrowtown Cottages Trustees and representatives from the village association had been scheduled - prior to the Utilities committee meeting where the report was tabled earlier this week - for next Tuesday.

“It has always been our intention to work with the Arrowtown community, with advice from a professional aborist, to find a solution that satisfies all parties and that ensures a long and healthy future for our heritage trees and cottages,” Mr Field said.