Discover the Valleys of Gold for yourself

Tuesday 28 October 2008, 11:43AM

By Department of Conservation


Waiorongomai Low level loop Valleys of Gold walk
Waiorongomai Low level loop Valleys of Gold walk Credit: DOC


Across the Waikato twenty-five free guided walks have been hosted by the Department of Conservation (DOC) and Sport Waikato as part of the Mighty River Power Stream to Summit push play campaign, including the Valleys of Gold series in the Tauranga and Hauraki Districts.

First timer walkers were given the opportunity to take part in family friendly walks with the support of DOC and Sport Waikato staff and volunteer help from local tramping clubs.

The programme offered a variety of walks including good entry level tracks for those wanting to try tramping or exploring the outdoors.

Mighty River Power Stream to Summit explores the mountains, lakes, ranges, valleys and rivers of the greater Waikato extending into the Manawatu and the Coromandel. Another two guided walks are left in the programme but hopefully the experience has given participants the confidence to explore their local tracks on their own.

‘Don’t wait for a guided walk to check your own backyard’, said DOC Ranger Stephanie Twaddle.
‘The ‘Valleys of Gold’ walks are open to the public year round and your local DOC office or visitor centre can help you to find a walk to suit you’.
The Valleys of Gold walks are connected by New Zealand’s early gold mining heritage and feature relics of their past including bush tramways, old miners’ camps and batteries.The Waiorongomai Valley (near Te Aroha), Waitawheta Valley (near Waihi), Wharekirauponga Valley (near Whangamata), Broken Hills (19km from Tairua) plus the Karangahake Gorge all offer half day walks suitable for families or less experienced walkers.
Pick up a free copy of the Valleys of Gold brochure at your local DOC office and most visitor centres. For a full list of DOC walks in your region visit your local DOC office or .

To participate in the remaining Mighty River Power Stream to Summit walks visit or contact Sport Waikato.

For further information or photographs please contact Stephanie Twaddle, ph: 07 571 2737,