Sprinkler restrictions in place as Hamilton reaches alert level 1

Monday 1 December 2008, 6:40PM

By Hamilton City Council



High water consumption over the weekend has seen Hamilton reach water alert level 1 – meaning domestic sprinkler systems will now be permitted between 6am-8am and 6pm-8pm only.

Hamilton City Treatment Plants Manager Tim Harty said the city experienced a constant increasing demand on water throughout November – with hot weather during the weekend seeing consumption peak at 73 million litres yesterday.

"With the high demand over the weekend and fine days predicted ahead, we have moved to water alert level 1 to promote the efficient and effective use of the water resource," said Mr Harty.

"Water alert level 1 means domestic sprinklers will be permitted between 6am-8am and 6pm-8pm only, with no restriction on commercial/non residential properties at this stage."

Today is the first day the new water alert level system has been in effect, replacing the alternate day sprinkler restrictions which occurred in previous years. Part of 'Smart Water Use', a regional collaborative effort between Hamilton City Council, Environment Waikato and other territorial authorities throughout the greater Waikato, the water alert levels aim to guide water use in a sustainable manner and ensure consistent supply throughout summer.

"By introducing these sprinkler system restrictions now, we hope it will encourage residents to take a second look at how they are using water and take steps to conserve water where possible – hopefully avoiding the need to enforce further restrictions in the coming months," said Mr Harty.

"It is important people treat water as a limited and precious resource."

Hamilton City Council will continue to monitor the city's water usage and assess the alert levels on a daily basis.

More information on Smart Water Use, including the city's water consumption and alert levels, is available on