Merchant fined for dissent

Monday 1 December 2008, 6:44PM

By New Zealand Cricket



Northern Districts batsman Cameron Merchant has been fined over an incident in Northern’s game against Central Districts last week at Seddon Park, Hamilton.

Umpires Derek Walker and Billy Bowden filed a report on Tuesday 25 November noting an incident of dissent by Merchant, after he was given out LBW by Umpire Walker in the 45th over of the Northern Knights’ first innings. It was reported that Merchant raised his bat, delayed leaving the crease and shook his head as he was walking off. The incident was reported as breach of Rule 3a of the New Zealand Cricket Code of Conduct, relating to unacceptable behaviour.

Association Commissioner Gerald Bailey convened a hearing on the alleged breach the following day. In his decision Bailey described Merchant’s actions as momentary, unaccompanied by any verbal comment and an instinctive reaction. Both Bailey and the umpires regarded the incident as offending at the lower end of the scale.

Bailey also noted that Merchant had not been previously reported and that an apology had been made. He imposed a fine of $350.