Meeting with PM positive: Manukau Mayor

Saturday 20 December 2008, 1:12PM

By Manukau City Council



Manukau Mayor Len Brown said today’s meeting with Prime Minister John Key was positive and bodes well for a strong working relationship with the new government.

“I am pleased with the outcome of the meeting, and I appreciated the opportunity to discuss some of the issues that are important to our city with the Prime Minister. There was also good acknowledgment of the issues we shared with him today,” Mr Brown says.

Policing, early childhood education, housing policies, the fight against the P (Methamphetamine) epidemic, government support for the AMETI project and Auckland Regional governance were among the issues discussed at the meeting.

“We want to provide police resources that will effectively serve our communities, and we had a positive response from the Prime Minister for extra policing.

“Manukau also has a zero-tolerance policy on drug supply and it is important that we ensure greater resources so we can address this issue.”

Mr Brown also advocated strongly on the Auckland Manukau Eastern Transport Initiative, greater education resources for Manukau’s youngest citizens and affordable housing.

“The Prime Minister appreciated the importance of AMETI particularly for the eastern part of the city, and there will be further discussion to determine whether we can get this project into the national roading programme,” the Mayor said.

“Manukau city also has the second lowest participation rate in early childhood education in New Zealand, and getting this participation rate up is a key priority for us.

“We want to provide our young people with the best possible opportunities. Funding for more early childhood education centres is essential so our children can get ahead. The Prime Minister was particularly keen to be supportive of increasing early childhood education facilities and programmes to encourage parents to get their children into early childhood learning.

“Good quality housing and education is important to our city, and the Prime Minister understands this. I believe the partnership we are forging with the new government will play a role in moving Manukau city forward,” Mr Brown says .