Unplanned Journey; a Triumph in Life and Death

Wednesday 14 January 2009, 12:46PM

By Tanya Unkovich


Unplanned Journey, by Tanya Unkovich
Unplanned Journey, by Tanya Unkovich Credit: Tanya Unkovich


“Don't forget to bring in my journal tomorrow Tarn as this will be good for my book”. These were the words Philip Morrow spoke to his wife on April 12 2005 shortly after doctors told him he had only days to live. Not quite twelve hours later Philip took his final breathes. It was five months earlier on November 8 2004, his 48th birthday that that Philip was diagnosed with cancer.


This is the story that Philip wanted told. He kept a detailed account of his journey and process during the time of his diagnosis to his death as did his wife Tanya for the months thereafter.

It is a story of faith and courage which brings hope to those who are facing any form of grief in their lives and are now finding their way in life. The author reveals her process for the twelve months after that April night and the raw emotion which accompanies grief. She openly shares what enabled her to pass through her darkest nights and how a deep faith carried her.

Also available is Unplanned Journey, the Workbook Companion which assists readers through any form of life transition, such as grief, loss, separation or simply rediscovering ‘who’ you are.

For more information on Tanya Unkovich, availability of her books and video archives of her recent US TV tour, see