Recapture of second Hamilton escapee

Saturday 24 January 2009, 1:01PM

By New Zealand Police



The arrest of a second Hamilton escaper has prompted Police to give a clear warning to those harbouring the last remaining fugitive that they face dire consequences when caught.

Senior Sergeant Greg Dunn of Hamilton Police said Darren William SNOWDEN, 22, was arrested with the assistance of a Police dog at a Hamilton East address.

"A series of search warrants were carried out this morning and SNOWDEN was caught as he tried to flee a York St address about 9am.

"He has been charged with escaping lawful custody while another person has been charged with accessory after the fact for aiding a fugitive."

Mr Dunn said other people remain to be interviewed and additional charges were likely.

The arrests follow the recapture of one of SNOWDEN'S fellow escapees, Richard JOSEPH, in Tokoroa yesterday.

Three other people were arrested during his recapture and Mr Dunn said that and this morning's events should give a clear warning to anyone assisting the remaining escapee, Thomas TE RANGI, of the risks they are running.

"The hunt for the these men is consuming large amounts of resources and man hours and as a consequence people need to be aware that if we find you assisting TE RANGI you will be charged."

Mr Dunn said Police were grateful to the public for the large amount of support they had received that had aided in the recapture of the two men.