Air Nelson Settlement

Wednesday 4 July 2007, 7:50PM

By Air New Zealand



Air Nelson and the Engineering, Printing and Manufacturing Union today confirmed the ratification of a collective agreement that will avert further industrial action at the airline.

Air Nelson General Manager John Hambleton said today he was pleased that settlement had been achieved, after five weeks of industrial action by around 85 EPMU members.

“While the past few months have been challenging for all concerned, the agreement we’ve reached will allow us to move forward positively and focus on our customers and growing our business.”

Mr Hambleton said the notice of a fourth rolling strike served by the EPMU had been withdrawn as a result of the ratification.

He thanked Air Nelson customers for their patience and continued support of airline during this period.

Air Nelson carries more than 500,000 customers into and out of Nelson annually and contributes more than $20 million annually in wages and contract services to the local economy.