Planting gardens with smart water use in mind

Wednesday 11 March 2009, 5:41PM

By Taupo District Council



Autumn is the ideal time to look at revamping your garden. By choosing plants that grow naturally in dry areas and by using generous amounts of mulch you can minimise the amount of watering your garden requires, saving yourself a job and saving water.

At this time of year plants benefit from warmer soils and quickly grow deep roots. By the time summer comes again, these deep roots help the plants to use moisture and nutrients from the cooler, damper soil. These plants tend to grow better and require less watering.

Sarah Painter, Council’s Environmental Educator says “Many people think a low water use garden means having a boring garden, but all types of garden styles can be low water use with a little planning and lots of compost and mulch.”

A cottage garden, for example, with its emphasis on flowers, usually requires extra watering. To make it a lower water use garden, mulch the beds with at least 10cm of good mulch and plant deep rooted perennials where possible. Keep the areas planted in annuals to a minimum.

Other things to remember when planning a garden that requires minimal watering include using quality soil, have minimal area’s where soil is left bare, select deep rooted plants that will withstand dry conditions, and use shady trees to reduce the harsh effect of the sun on other plants.

Staff at good garden centres will be able to advise you on plant selection and gardening practices to suit your particular garden.

At this time of year, water use in the Taupo district is high which puts extra demand on the region’s water treatment and supply equipment. As a result, Taupo District Council is encouraging residents to use less water and to make sure they don’t waste it. Taupo’s water saving initiative has the support of a region-wide WaterSmart campaign in which councils throughout Waikato have joined together to remind the public that water is precious.